This template is a candidate for speedy deletion. The given reason is: No reason supplied!
If you disagree with its speedy deletion, please edit the page and change {{speedy|reason}} to {{delete|reason}} and discuss your reasons on this page (or its associated talk page, as applicable). If this page obviously does not meet the common criteria for speedy deletion (vandalism, spam, etc) or you intend to fix it, please remove this notice, but do not remove this notice from pages that you have created yourself. Remember to check if anything links here and the page history before deleting. Administrators: delete this page |
Speedy deletion template
Usage: {{speedy|reason}}
Template to nominate a page for speedy deletion. Should be placed at the very top of the page.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Reason | 1 reason | Reason this page should be speedy deleted
| Line | required |
No category | nocat | Any value will prevent this page from being put in Category:Candidates for speedy deletion | Boolean | optional |
This template puts a warning at the top of the page and adds the page to the Category:Candidates for speedy deletion.
It should be added as the very first line on pages that are obvious candidates for deletion (e.g. vandalism, test pages, etc.) and whose deletion would be uncontentious. For all other cases use {{delete|reason}}.
This template is a candidate for speedy deletion. The given reason is: Sample reason here
If you disagree with its speedy deletion, please edit the page and change {{speedy|reason}} to {{delete|reason}} and discuss your reasons on this page (or its associated talk page, as applicable). If this page obviously does not meet the common criteria for speedy deletion (vandalism, spam, etc) or you intend to fix it, please remove this notice, but do not remove this notice from pages that you have created yourself. Remember to check if anything links here and the page history before deleting. Administrators: delete this page |