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I would also like to use this time to inform you of our capability. As a 90,000 person global Architecture and Engineering business, AECOM has one of the worlds largest healthcare practices. I personally look after Africa and the Middle East. Reason for making this statement is that our teams have been at the forefront in the USA, Australia, Hong Kong, Mainland China, the Middle East and the United Kingdom in terms of providing emergency support to government where required. Our teams are well versed at assisting with quarantine, isolation and emergency asset design and delivery in these challenging times. Whether the solution is re-purposing existing assets or the design of so called field hospitals, we will be able to draw on our collective Corona virus event experience to give suitable support. I chair a Corona virus event group that convenes once a week and represents the global practice. In these sessions best practice is shared and represents the various stages of the virus’s development across the globe and the most suitable built environment response at that stage.

In conclusion, we would be delighted to be of assistance in whatever way we can, bringing our collective experience to bear in support of South Africa